The Gumtree Autos Tool Helps you manage all your automotive ads with one easy-to-use tool

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No credit card required
1.3 million Unique Automotive per month
Making us the largest autos sales showroom in South Africa
100% Mobile Friendly
Our site is fully responsive and we have one of the most downloaded Android and iOS apps in the country
Receive Highly Quality, Relevant Leads
66% of dealerships surveyed say Gumtree Autos has the highest quality leads
66% of dealerships surveyed say that the Gumtree Automotive Tool generates both the most and highest quality leads
How It Works
Sign up
Click on Sign up and simply compelete the application form
Import all vehicles
Integrate from any existing feed source
Start selling
Post to Gumtree & start receiving real-time leads and reports
How Much Does it Cost
The Gumtree Autos Tool is free to use and you only pay for listing packages posted on Gumtree. Each package is valid for one month, giving you the flexibility to adjust your package (and costs) from month-to-month. There are no contractual lock-ins, offering you full control over your spend.
Live Listing
Package Price
R 1,708
R 3,204
R 5,565
R 7,008
R 8,114
R 9,731
R 10,510
R 12,457
Latest pricing as of February 1, 2019. Pricing excludes VAT and is subject to change.
Register for Free!
No credit card required

The Gumtree Autos Tool Helps you manage all your automotive ads with one easy-to-use tool

Register for Free!
No credit card required
1.3 million Unique Automotive per month
Making us the largest autos sales showroom in South Africa
100% Mobile Friendly
Our site is fully responsive and we have one of the most downloaded Android and iOS apps in the country
Receive Highly Quality, Relevant Leads
66% of dealerships surveyed say Gumtree Autos has the highest quality leads
What you get with the Gumtree Autos Tool
Register for Free!
66% of dealerships surveyed say that the Gumtree Automotive Tool generates both the most and highest quality leads
How It Works
Sign Up
Click on Sign up and simply compelete the application form
Import all vehicles
Integrate from any existing feed source
Start selling
Post to Gumtree & start receiving real-time leads and reports
How Much Does it Cost
The Gumtree Autos Tool is free to use and you only pay for listing packages posted on Gumtree. Each package is valid for one month, giving you the flexibility to adjust your package (and costs) from month-to-month. There are no contractual lock-ins, offering you full control over your spend.
Live Listing
Package Price
R1 365,72
R2 912,50
R 4 716,30
R 6 146,88
R 7 512,60
R 8 536,32
R 9 219,18
R 10 926,90
Latest pricing as of February 16, 2018. Pricing excludes VAT and is subject to change.
Register for Free!
No credit card required